07910 797527 or 01482 355594


Quiz Night Friday 17th February 2023

Quiz Night Friday 17th February 2023

It’s our annual popular Quiz night on Friday 17th February 2023 from 7.15pm at Civic Hall, Cottingham. Not to be missed!

The evening includes a Fish and Chip supper from Papas (vegetarian pie option available) a super raffle and a bar service. The Quiz is always great fun and starts around 8pm. The evening finishes around 10.30pm.

Tickets are £14 and available to purchase at any Fitness Vibe classes now. This social evening is open to all Fitness Vibe members and their family and friends.

We will be having teams of a maximum of 8/9 people. Make sure you have a name for your team! No worries if you are on your own or just 2/3 of you, I will make sure I merge you with someone you know and introduce you all before the evening.

A fun, great value event. Tickets sell fast so don’t miss out!