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Join our tomato taste challenge!

Join our tomato taste challenge!

Our Wednesday morning Zumba Gold ladies are taking part in a tomato taste trial every Wednesday morning throughout August as part of a local 3rd year students dissertation.  Each week the participant needs to taste 3 tomatoes at different stages of colour and rate the most favourite tomato.

Some foods like tomatoes can taste great and still be good for you!  Not only are they a good source of vitamin A,C & E, but some research has shown that the pigment in them may protect the body against heart disease.  The potassium in tomatoes is linked to lowering blood pressure and the calcium in them is vial for healthy bones and teeth.

So all good and we are happy to help x

As a thank you gesture, you will each receive a free punnet of tomatoes every time you take part in the trial every Wednesday.  Come along to Zumba Gold and join in the fun!