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Blog Monthly Archives: April 2022

Remember The Formula!

Remember The Formula!

Hope you are all having a lovely Easter break. What fabulous weather we have had. Enjoy your Easter eggs then back to class next week to burn off those extra calories!

We all know exercise is good for you, but do you know how good? It will make you feel better, give you more energy, improve your mood, aid better sleep, make your skin look better and generally lift your spirits. Physically we all know exercise can help prevent weight gain and make you look better but there are so may other health benefits. Regular exercise helps to combat many health conditions and diseases such as stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and many types of cancers. Remember exercise is not just to lose weight and look better it’s also important for your circulation and organ health. Our joints and muscle groups all benefit from regular exercise. How would we feel if we couldn’t move or exercise?

So let’s all commit to exercise and commit to your fitness and health. Try and find an exercise that you enjoy doing, that way you are more likely to stick to it. The fun stuff always wins!

Spring is here!  It’s time to start afresh with your fitness drive.

Spring is here! It’s time to start afresh with your fitness drive.

Now that Spring is here and the nights are getting longer it’s a great time to get your motivation back. It’s not easy to commit to your fitness classes but you will always feel better once you have done an exercise session. So let’s think about moving more, lifting our spirits and lets all shape up for the summer.