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Step back in time!

Step back in time!

How about this throwback picture.  Here is our lovely Fitness Body instructor Helen Burdin pictured here way back in 1994 at the annual Blackpool Fitness Convention.  What a fabulous picture, don’t you agree?  The Blackpool event still takes place to this day bringing Instructors together from all over the UK.  I believe the event this year had to be held online.

I popped this picture with an accompanying post on our social media page and it was lovely receiving messages from lots of pioneer instructors from around the 80’s and 90’s.  We have all been sharing memories and old pictures.

If you would like to see more of Helen above, she teaches our weekly Legs Bums and Tums classes every Tuesday evening 6.30pm – 7.15pm at Civic Hall, Cottingham.  At the moment all live classes are on hold due to the government restrictions.  However we have Helen teaching pre recorded Legs Bums and Tums videos filmed recently at the Civic Hall in the video shop of this website.  If you think you would like to use the videos please register in the video site of this website.  I will then give you access to them.  Each video can be used as many times as you like within a 7 day period so is great value at £4 a video.  You can pay direct in the website and receive them or I can arrange for you to pay by bank transfer/payment link or cheque if that suits you best.  I can easily  programme your video ready from my system so you simply have it ready to play in the video site.  Just get back to me if you would like this option.

Great photo Helen!